Dalia Aidukaitė, Kalbis L4, Vilnius
best holidays
am sitting in the tent at the height of 4 km seeing just rocks and snow around
and preparing for the overnight. Today is Saturday. But it doesn’t mean
anything because I am in Caucasus Mountains. Today we woke up at 5 a.m. and we
were planning to go to the summit, but it was raining very heavily and we
decided to sleep till 8 a.m. It was rainy all day so we stayed in our camp.” It
is a small fragment from my diary. I know it is hard to believe that someone
chooses cold, severe weather conditions and obscurity during summer holidays.
in the mountains is very easy. We keep running away from civilization,
communication and information overload. Here we forget all the convenience, but
we rediscover nature.
people are wondering why others are going to the mountains. Is it really funny
to carry a rucksack weighting around 25 kg, sleep in a tent on the rocks or
snow, be often hungry or feel obscurity? But my answer is really easy. I agree
with the opinion of other travelers “we go to the mountains because they are”.
Everyone chooses different way of holidays. For me the best holidays are to go
further from the comfort zone, to purify thoughts and to recover spiritually.
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